Colored therapist

Experience some quality and naughty time with your best Colored therapist in town

My GenderFemale
My EthnicityAfrican
My Country of OriginZimbabwe
My Age (years)23
My Body TypeThick
My LooksVery Attractive
My Other LanguagesEnglish
My ReligionChristian
My Marital StatusSingle
Have ChildrenNo
My Drinking HabitsJust socially
My EducationSome College
My OccupationBeauty therapist
I am interested in penpalsYes
I am interested in activity partnersYes
I am open to possibilitiesYes
I am interested in short term relationshipsYes
I am interested in long term relationshipsYes

Safety Tips

  1. Do not pay in advance even for the delivery.
  2. Try to meet at a safe, public location.
  3. Check the item before you buy it.
  4. Pay only after collecting the item.